Latest News
July 2013
POMEC has established it’s branch in Libya (Ogla-Benghazi) focusing on the petroleum sector.
July 2013
POMEC has successfully completed the ISO 9001 procedures and got the certificate of ISO 9001-2008 standard.
January 2013
POMEC is starting to execute small projects with Four Seasons hotel in Giza and looking forward a long term successful partnership.
Our rule
Yes is the answer what is your question?
Four ways making POMEC exceeding clients expectations.
- Beating the deadline
- Getting work done ahead of time is our habit due to our customer is focused.
- Always we are asking proactive questions.
- Asking such questions because we are treating our customers as partners.
- we are aware when to defer.
- Difference and competitive edge is our rule.
- Giving feedback.
- We are giving our clients feedback on every process for the purpose of improvement.
- POMEC Risk Management
- POMEC Safety precautions
- POMEC Maintenance task tools
- POMEC operation task tools
- Our project management tools
Technical Services
- Preventive Maintenance
- Technical Audits
- Assets Evaluation
- Consultancy
- Hotels Operation & Maintenance
- Facility & Buliding Technical Management
- Saftey Audits
- Energy Saving Plans
- Softwares for Engineering Departments
- Complete Technical Solutions for all above